heck every 50.000 km or 5 years
Complete dismantling of brake system (master cylinder, caliper). Check functional surfaces,
exchange all rubber parts (sealings, dust rings, connecting hoses). Untertake this work in
authorised service.
Service limits have to be checked every 50.000 km or once after 5 years.
Dismantling of the brake caliper
First properly clean caliper with
denatured alcohol (pads removed).
Remove three imbus bolts and separate
bolth halves of the caliper. Remove the
elastic insert and rubber sealing, then you
can take out both pistons. In case of
damage exchange also both sealing rings.
When completing caliper watch to
adhere following principles:
Smear parts with conservation
and preserving fluid – brake producer
uses BREOX fluid. Dip new sealing ring
of piston into this fluid for 1 hour before
mounting in.
Insert the sealing ring into the
groove of the cylinder.
An anti-dust sleeve shall be fitted on the piston into the groove
and the piston shall be carefully slipped into the caliper´s cylinder
untill its bottom position. In this possition the sleeve can be slipped
into the groove on the outer periphery of the caliper´s cylinder. Put an
elastic insert piece into the excision in the left half of the caliper,
using a packing ring to seal the surface between both halves. Than
screw both halves together with three imbus bolts. Brake pads insert
into the caliper just before the mounting of front wheel.
Dismantling of master cylinder
After discharging brake fluid, unscrewing the connecting hose,
removing the lever and carefull cleaning with denatured alcohol. After removing of dust cover
and lock ring it is easy to pull out all internals.
Assembly of master cylinder is reverse of disassembly, follow these principles.
a) Take care not to interchange sleeves on the pistons and not to damage them during the
b) Maintain maximum cleanness, put new rubbers into BREOX fluid for 1 hour.
Maintenance – exchange of front brake disc
Exchange the disc when it is worn out or damaged. If there are sharp marks on the surface
exchange the disc. This phenomenon is quite normal. Prior to mounting the disc, 6 shrims are
placed on the screw holes in hub. Into the holes on disc 6 bushes and disc is fixed by M8
1 - cover
2 - bolt M5x14
3 - washer 5,3
4 – master cylinder
5 – spring
6 – front cup
7 – front piston
8 – rear cup
9 – washer
10 – lock ring
11 – dust ring
12 – rear piston
13 - bellow