Removing the rear swingarm (without disconnecting secondary chain)
Remove the rear wheel from the rear swing
arm, detach the brake bowden and remove
the rear wheel sprocket with cover while
leaving them hang on the chain. Detach the
rear suspension units and slide them out of
the lower retainers after having loosened the
upper retainers for about 4 turns. Unscrew
the M10 nut on the left side on the brake
pedal shaft and use a soft mallet to drive out
the shaft with the brake pedal to the right
Unlock and unscrew one of the nuts of the
swing arm shaft, drive the shaft out of its
bearing with an aluminium drift and take out
the rear swing arm. After removing the dust
covers, remove the metal-plastic bushes.
Caution! :
These metal-plastic bushes have to be put rough side outwards! The pin of the brake reaction
link must be on the left side and the rear ends of the arm must be lifted above the exhaust
silencer before sliding them in their mountings. Take care that the cover plates and the
packing rings do not fall out.
Rear brake
Rear brake of motorcycle needs to be adjusted only sometimes, when brake lining is
worn. This is manifested by longer way of brake levers. The brake cam is provided with
brake-lining wear indicator. When the indicator reaches its extreme position, exchange the
brake shoes to ensure safe riding.
Disc brake Jawa
Front disc brake Jawa is composed of four
main components.
. Master cylinder with lever, a part of which is a can
for brake fluid and a front brake light switch.
A pipe with inlet bolt
Caliper of dics brake
Brake disc