On testing machine it´ s not recommended to let turn alternator A67 to opposite side than the
engine operation is prescribed, i.e to more than 1.300 engine revolutions/min . During this
working operation the voltage on condenser is getting increased over 400V. When opposite
side of alternator working, the coil Z67 will only run on 2.000 revolut./min. approx.
Controlling on testing machine we can notice when sudden change of revolutions, e.g. from
1.000 rev./min.to the right instantly to 1.000 rev./min. to the left, following situation :
immediately after the changement of revolut.direction, the coil Z67 sparkles even when
opposite (lefthand) run and approx. within 0,5 sec. this effect is disappearing ( the switch
doesn´ t sparkle). This "memory" effect can be called as normal.
The system of charging the battery and lighting of motorcycle
is based on another
principle than the existing one , which is using alternator with rotor excitation through
Alternator A67 is using as an energy source the permanent magnets the energy of those is
induced innto coils on stator during rotor revolutions. The outlets (cables) from alternator
- two wires - one red and one white charging condensor in coil Z67
- two black wires charging the battery 12V via regulator R67 and providing current for
The voltage induced to coils on stator is always alternating. According to the need it has to be
rectified using regulator R67
The principle of regulation : the load (of battery, lamp) is connected and disconnected to
winding on stator in such a way to keep the middle value of direct-current voltage = 14V on
battery. The over energy from alternator A67 is therefore not utilized that means there is
lower coil heating-up on stator A67.