Regulator R67 is warmed up during operation the more the higher performance it is providing
to bulbs and battery. It has to be cooled by air circulation. When motorcycle is on stand,
slight current from battery flows through regulator to frame. This current represents less than
0,5 mA. If the regulator is warmed up, the current is higher (even several mA ). After cooling
of R67, current is decreasing. No need to disconnect battery from regulator when motorcycle
is out of operation.
The most important when in operation is the proper connection of all the resp. parts. The
eventual loss on transitory resistances is influencing intensity of regulated voltage.
The battery cannot be connected with regulator in opposite way. The resulting damage cannot
be repaired. The battery cannot also be changed with some entry terminal connector(from
Regulator is set-up on 14,2 to 14,4V with battery charged and without attached" load". If
there are other consumers joint, e.g. 63W (3 x 21W) under 4.000 rev./min., the voltage
decreases to approx.14 V. After warming up R67, the U(REG) is decreasing of about 0,1 to
0,2 V ( saving battery in heated environment).
Regulator R67 allows machine to be in operation even without battery. The output voltage
moves from 12V to 15V according to attached "load" on outlet R67. Most intensive voltage
is registered under lowest "loads"(e.g. 5 W). The "horn" and indicator switches are working
wrongly in such a case The measuring of resistance between individual blades 6,3 on
terminal board , event. against frame can be considered as informative, only. The framed
blade has to have short-circuit on A1 cover R67. Other contacts represent high resistance (50
and plus). If somewhere the resistance is inferior to 1 k
event. if short-circuit appears,
this is the question of defect.
Important values that can be ohmically measured :
1. S01 - resistance = 200
+- 20% under temp. 20 C
2. Z67 - resistance of secondary coil = 6 k
+- 10%
direct-current under 20 C
- resistance of yellow conductor against frame = 120
- leakage between secondary coil and other parts Z67 is not permitted
3. A67 - resistance of charging winding = 1.160
+- 10% under 20 C, measured
- resistance of current winding = 0,4 to 0,5
under 20 C
- leakage event.short-circuit of
individual windings on stator
core event. between
windings mutually is not
4. R67 - No resistance can be definitely measured , only the resistance between A1
cover and blade 6,3 mm