Disc brake – put into operation
(new or after repair)
Tighten all pressure tight joints, pour the brake fluid into the reservoir of main brake
cylinder. By repeatedly pressing the front brake lever pump the fluid into the entire brake
system. (to do it faster you can carefully inject fluid into the brake caliper through the
deareration screw). If you manage to fill the whole systém with brake fluid, you have to
deaerate it in order to obtain a 100% braking effect
Slide a transparent hose over the deaeration screw on caliper and dip its other end into
the glass with brake fluid. Press several time the brake lever and with constant pressure on the
lever, loosen the deaeration screw a bit. Then tighten it again. Repeat this operation as long as
there are bubbles goinig out of brake caliper. Take care to have all the time enough of brake
fluid in the master cylinder reservoir and to have end of hose in brake fluid in the glass.
Operation and the maintenance of the hydraulic disc brake
Check before every ride
Optical check of brake fluid level
and leaking of the fluid from the whole
system. Check function of brake light
switch. If the level of fluid gets under 1/2
of control window, add brake fluid,
maximally to the top of window. This
check is done when bike stands on wheels
with one person in seat.
Check every 2.500 km
Optical check of brake pads wear,
lubrication of brake lever pin.
Check every 5.000 km
Remove the brake pads, check
thickness of the lining. Minimum is 1,5
mm – otherwise pads have to be replaced
with new ones.The brake pads are to be
mounted with bevel toward the bigger
diameter of the disc.
Beware! When pads are removed, do not
move with brake lever. You could push
out the piston from the caliper. Brake disc
should have min. 4,5 mm.
Check every 25.000 km or 2 years.
Demounting brake caliper, check parts, exchange of brake fluid, dust and seal rings.
Undertake this work in authorized service, use suggested brake fluid, protect screw joints
against the corrosion.