EVO controller
By parameters menu it is possible to set the current season for the management of the by-pass . The control automatically adjusts
regulations basing, as regards the by-pass, on the external temperature, return and the selected season. If a dehumidification system
is installed, it is possible, in this menu, to enable\disable it and set the relative humidity threshold value for activation.
BBy-pass : season based
By-pass : automatic
Humidity (%)
This parameter is available only when there is a dehumidification system. It represents the threshold value above which the dehumidify
is enabled. The default value is 50%. The Dehumidify system can be forced also from a digital input .
This parameter is available only when there is a dehumidification system. By this, can be
enabled (Yes) or less (No) the dehumidification system. It can be used, for example,
in the winter season if is not wished to dehumidify.
In order to enter the password, press the down arrow key: the line where the password must be entered is highlighted. Press OK. Select
the desired value for the first digit using the up/down arrow keys and press OK when you reach the desired value. Repeat this operation
for the three remaining figures.If you have entered the correct password, the installer menu is displayed; otherwise, if the password is
wrong, you are redirected to the password entry page. To change the parameters of this menu, highlight the desired parameter by
scrolling up/down the arrow keys and press OK. The color of the currently set value for this parameter is green: now, you can change
this value using the up/down arrow keys. When you reach the desired value, press OK to confirm your selection. The parameters
relevant to flows/pressure coefficients and values are our only available for machines with kit.
Entering the password
Installer menu
You must enter a password (5678) to access this menu: this is a measure to prevent inexperienced users from unintentionally changing
parameters, an event that may jeopardize the proper operation of the system.