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Gain Control
Gain control can be performed in the following two modes on this camera.
Adjusting the Master Gain and Performing Fine Adjustment with R and B
(Master Mode)
When using this mode, set IndividualGainMode to Off.
Adjust the [AnalogAll] (master gain) setting first, and then adjust the [AnalogRed],
[DigitalRed], [AnalogBlue], and [DigitalBlue] setting values to perform fine
Adjusting the Gain Individually for RGB (Individual Mode)
When using this mode, set IndividualGainMode to On.
Adjust the [AnalogGreen], [AnalogRed], [DigitalRed], [AnalogBlue], [DigitalBlue]
setting values to adjust the gain.
This mode allows a wider range of adjustment by the user when compared to Master
The baseline for 0 dB is different between MasterMode and IndividualMode.
0 dB in MasterMode is about 6 dB higher than 0 dB in IndividualMode.
When IndividualGainMode is set to Off
When IndividualGainMode is set to On