Aircraft Technical Manual
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
J120, J160, J170, J200/J400, J230/J430, J250/J450 Variants
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Dated: 29th October 2014
Issued By: AS
Page: 63 of 298
5.19 Special Inspections
– Main Wheel Alignment (all J-Series)
Required Tools:
String line
Straight edge (Steel RHS or similar at least 50mm high)
Digital protractor or similar
Parts and Material:
Washers (used as spacers)
Flock (if adjustment is required)
Type of Maintenance:
Line Maintenance
Level of Certification:
L2 or LAME (A&P or LSA Repairman / Maintenance)
Return to Service:
L2 or LAME (A&P or LSA Repairman / Maintenance)
The following process must be carried out whenever a new undercarriage leg is fitted to the aircraft
or if adverse tyre wear indicates alignment outside of tolerance.
Before alignment, the aircraft must be pulled forwards for several metres to position it in the location
where the wheel alignment is going to be
checked. This step is very important as it “sets” all the
wheels to the positions where they will be in normal operation.
Mark a reference centreline for the aircraft on the floor. Use a plumb bob from the tip of the spinner
and from the tip of the ventral fin to mark points on the floor, then join and mark the two points with a
string line. Alternatively the aircraft may be positioned accurately over a fixed line on the floor (such
as the join in the concrete slab used in the Figure below).
Figure 23
– Wheel Alignment Set Up (all J-Series)
Place a straight-edge (such as a length of RHS section steel) along the outside wall of the tyre.
Check from above to ensure that the tyre and the straight edge are parallel. The straight edge used
must stand at least 50mm high from the floor in order to touch enough of the tyre side wall.