Aircraft Technical Manual
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
J120, J160, J170, J200/J400, J230/J430, J250/J450 Variants
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Dated: 29th October 2014
Issued By: AS
Page: 234 of 298
Fuel Filters (all J-Series)
8.7.1 Description
The fuel filter is of the in-line type. It is located:
Inside the header tank enclosure behind the seats for J160 family models
Under the fuel tank for models equipped with a fuselage fuel tank.
Inside the removable fibreglass console joining the centre console to the firewall (between the
rudder pedals) for J200 family models.
Beside the header tank, inside the fuselage, aft of the sound curtain for J230 family aircraft.
8.7.2 Fuel Filter Removal & Installation
Required Tools:
Fuel line clamps
Parts and Material:
Replacement fuel filter (if required)
Type of Maintenance:
Line Maintenance
Level of Certification:
L2 or LAME (A&P or LSA Repairman / Maintenance)
Return to Service:
L2 or LAME (A&P or LSA Repairman / Maintenance)
Shut off the fuel on the tank side of the filter. This may require the fuel tap be turned off or that
the fuel system, wing tanks and header tanks be drained (where equipped). Alternatively fuel line
clamps (Figure 31) may be used to close the fuel lines so that the filter can be changed without
fuel leakage.
Place a cloth beneath the filter to collect any fuel which may be split during removal of the filter.
Disconnect the fuel lines at both ends of the filter.
Remove filter.
Reverse the preceding steps for installation. Ensure waste cloth is removed.
Ensure tank vents are open (no vent covers fitted).
The fuel filter must only be installed in one direction. An arrow on the side of the filter marks the
fuel flow direction. Ensure this arrow is pointed towards the Firewall and Engine.
Fuel Pumps (all J-Series)
8.8.1 Description
The Primary Fuel Pump is located on the Starboard rear of the Engine. Refer to Engine
Maintenance Manual for details.
A secondary, electric fuel pump is also installed in all Jabiru Aircraft to assist the primary pump,
prevent vapour-lock and for redundancy.
8.8.2 Secondary Fuel Pump Removal & Installation
Required Tools:
Fuel line clamps
Spanners / Socket Wrench
Parts and Material:
Aerostart (or other volatile tool cleaner)
Loctite 7471 and 262
Type of Maintenance:
Line Maintenance
Level of Certification:
L2 or LAME (A&P or LSA Repairman / Maintenance)
Return to Service:
L2 or LAME (A&P or LSA Repairman / Maintenance)