Engine Maintenance Manual
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
Jabiru 2200 & 3300 Aircraft Engines
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Dated : 2nd June 2015
Issued By: AS
Page: 41 of 103
L:\files\Manuals_For_Products\Engine_Manuals\Engine Maintenance Manual 22 & 33\JEM0002-5.docx
Torque Application Procedure
Good torque application technique is essential if an accurate bolt torque reading is going to
be obtained.
Firstly the nut must be tightened smoothly. Any jerks or bumps can cause the torque
reading to be obtained prematurely.
The torque must be obtained while the nut is turning. If you stop to reposition the torque
wrench and then the required torque reading is obtained without the nut turning, the nut
needs to be loosened a little and then tightened again so the torque reading is obtained
while turning.
Unless specified otherwise all torque settings given in this manual are “dry” – i.e. no special
lubricant is applied to the threads or parts. Where directed otherwise it is vital that the
directions are followed exactly.