Chapter 5 BIOS Setup
WA133 Series
5.4.8 Swap Floppy Drive
When enabled, floppy drives A and B will be exchanged without the user physically changing the
connection on the cable.
Disabled (*)
5.4.9 Boot Up Floppy Seek
Seeks disk drives during boot up. Disabling speeds boot up.When enable ,the BIOS will check the
flooy drive status during boot up.
Enabled (*)
5.4.10 Boot Up NumLock Status
This field determines the configuration of the numeric keypad after system boot up.
On (*)
Keypad works as number keys
O f f
Keypad works as arrow keys
5.4.11 Gate A20 Option
This field configures how the gate A20 is handled. The gate A20 is a device used to address
memory above 1 MB. At first, the gate A20 was handled from a pin on the keyboard. While
some keyboards still provide this support, it is more common, and much faster, for modern
system chipsets to provide support for gate A20.
Fast (*)
GateA20 signal supported by core logic
GateA20 signal supported by keyboard controller
5.4.12 Typematic Rate Setting
This field determines if the typematic rate is to be used. When enabled, the BIOS will report
(after a moment) that the key has been depressed repeatedly. When disabled, the BIOS will
report only once if a key is held down continuously.
Disabled (*)
5.4.13 Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec)
When Typematic Rate Setting enabled, this field specifies how many characters will be displayed
in one second when a key is held down continuously.
6 (*), 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30
5.4.14 Typematic Delay (Msec)
When enabled, typematic delay allows you to select the time delay between when the key is first
pressed and when the acceleration begins.
250 msec (*), 500 msec, 750 msec, 1000 msec