Chapter 4 Hardware Setup
WA133 Series
4.2.2 JP2 SCSI Enabled / Disabled jumper (SCSI)
This jumper is used to enable / disable the onboard SCSI chip.
4.2.3 JP3 & JP3A CPU FSB select jumper (FSB)
These jumpers allow the selection of the CPU’s based external frequency. The CPU “External Frequency”
multiplied by the “Frequency Multiple” equals the CPU’s “Internal Frequency”. Currently, most of the
processors have the Frequency Multiple locked, so you only need to select the External Frequency. The
motherboard will detect the proper external frequency your CPU used, so you can leave these jumpers
on their default setting and the based external frequency will be determined by CPU automatically. In
this case, you need not go to BIOS to do setup.
If you w ant to have som e further setting, after you setting up these
jum pers to assign the “Based E xternal Frequency” you should enter B IO S
setup program , select the proper C PU speed w ithin “Iw ill Sm art
Setting”page. T he B IO S w ill display the proper options depends on these
jum pers setting. For exam ple, if you choose 66M hz by setting both JP3
and JP3A to 1-2, then the BIO S w ill prom pt you 66M hz, 75M hz and
83M hz for selecting.