This option , which is supported by some SCSI devices, determines
whether the Sta rt Unit Comma nd (SCSI comma nd 1B) is sent to the
SCSI device (most devices do not require this ). Ena bling this option
reduces the loa d on your computer's power supply by a llowing the host
a da pter to power -up SCSI devices one - a t - a -time when you boot your
computer. Otherwise , the devices a ll power -up a t the sa me time . Most
devices require you to set a jumper before they ca n respond to this
comma nd .
When set to
, the Sta rt Unit Comma nd is sent to the SCSI device
during bootup. When set to
ea ch SCSI device powers -up in its norma l fa shion. The defa ult setting is
no .
The Send Sta rt Unit Comma nd setting is va lid only if the host
a da pter BIOS is ena bled.
If this option is ena bled for more tha n one SCSI device , the Sta rt Unit
Comma nd is sent first to the device with the lowest SCSI ID. When this
device responds to the host a da pter , the Sta rt Unit Comma nd is sent to
the next highest SCSI ID with a setting of
. The process continues
until a ll supported devices responds to the host a da pter.
Note : If ma ny drivers a re set to
for Send Sta rt Unit Comma nd , the
boot time va ries depending on how long it ta kes ea ch drive to spin up.
6.3.6 Advanced Configuration Options
When you select Adva nced Configura tion Options. Do not cha nge these
five options unless a bsolutely necessa ry.
Use the cursor keys (
) to move between options . Press
displa y a pop-up menu with a selection of options . Use the cursor keys
) to select a n options , a nd press
to ma ke your selection.
Plug & Play SCAM Support
This SCSI port provides the Plug & Pla y specifica tion, this is different
with Microsoft Windows 95’s specification.
When the SCAM function is ena bled, the devices ID & Termina tion will
be a utomatically done. Of course, this need both the devices a nd Host have
the SCAM function. Otherwise, keep this function disa bled.
The SCAM is a Plug & Pla y specifica tion