Thank you for purchasing this
PIINS SCSI Motherboard
. This operation
manual will guide you to proper configure and install. It has an overview of the
engineer design and feature of this motherboard. Also, this manual provides
useful information for your later upgrade or change the configuration. Keep this,
for your future need.
1.1 Featuress
This PIINS SCSI Motherboa rd is ba sed on the Intel 82440FX chipset, is the newest
member to our SCSI Motherboa rd solution products fa milies tha t under ATX form
fa ctor. The processor support both the Pentium Pro a nd Slot1 processor. Onboard
the Ada ptec PCI Ultra Wide SCSI AI C-7880(AHA-2940UW) tha t four times the
Fa st SCSI speed. Eight SIMM module design support from 8Mbyte to the
ma ximum 1Gbyte for memory. In order to support fully plug a nd pla y I/O, the
USB (Universa l Seria l Bus ) a lrea dy considered. a n Ultra I/O tha t conta in keyboard
a nd rea l time clock is used for users to enjoy the plug a nd pla y function. This SCSI
motherboa rd ha s designed with ATX form fa ctor to improve the ea sy a ccess
memory module, long a dd-on ca rd support a nd some of the new fea tures that
tra ditiona l AT form fa ctor ca n not a chieved.
Run with fa ster a nd use one single jumper ca p to a djust the CPU speed is very
importa nt function tha t this SCSI Motherboa rd support.
Run with fa ster system memory is a nother plus on this SCSI Motherboa rd to
outperform the whole system performa nce. It equipe 8 of the 72 pin SIMM that
support both fa st pa ge a nd EDO DRAM.
CPU socket (socket 7) supports the flexibility of different type of current
Cyrix (M1), AMD (K5) a nd future Intel Pentium processor. One ea sy
jumper design, while choosing your CPU speed from
75 to 200MHz.
Awa rd BIOS, on-screen "Plug & Pla y" setup for Ada ptec SCSI, Enha nced
IDE, a nd Ultra Multi-IO. Support
Flash ROM
( This ROM provides
better upgra de a bility for user to upda te their BIOS da ta on the system