Printer and IEEE 1284 cable
The IEEE 1284 compliant cables have better features on the
Twisted pa irs of conductors
Full foil shield
Wire bra id
Controlled impeda nce -- 62 ohm
Limited cross-wa lk
With these fea tures will gua ra ntee the IEEE 1284 ca ble perform a t
much higher ba ndwidth ra tes tha t the fa st Centronics, EPP a nd ECP
modes perform a t.
If you a re using the ordina ry pa ra llel ca bles running a t the EPP or ECP
mode tha t this controller provided, you ma y experience tha t the da ta
3.10.3 Serial Port
The seria l port is using the seria l tra nsfer. Beca use it tra nsfer da ta input/
output by bit per unit, the speed is slower tha n a pa ra llel port. This ofen
use in serial mouse, serial printer, fax modem…etc. This provides a 16550
compa tible seria l port a nd this is fa ster in tra nsfer speed tha n a tra ditiona l
16450 compa tible seria l port.
Seria l 1 & Seria l 2 a re 9 pins pins ma le externa l DB9 port..
Serial 1
Serial 2
3.11 Others
3.11.1 Keyboard Connector
The keyboa rd connector is a 6-pin, circula r-type Mini-DIN socket. It is
used to connect this SCSImotherboa rd keyboard interfa ce to a ny sta ndard
PS/2 keyboa rd. The pin a ssignment a re a s follows: