+ key
Increase the numeric value or make changes
- key
Decrease the numeric value or make changes
F1 key
General help, only for Status Page Setup Menu and Option
Page Setup Menu
(Shift)F2 key
Change color from total 16 colors. F2 to select color forward ,
(Shift) F2 to select color backward
F3 key
Calendar, only for Status Page Setup Menu
F4 key
F5 key
Restore the previous CMOS value from CMOS, only for
Option Page Setup Menu
F6 key
Load the default CMOS value from BIOS default table, only
for Option Page Setup Menu
F7 key
Load the default
F8 key
F9 key
F10 key
Save all the CMOS changes, only for Main Menu
Getting Help
Press F1 to pop up a sma ll help window tha t describes the a ppropria te keys to use
a nd the possible selections for the highlighted item. To exit the Help Window
press <Esc> or the F1 key a ga in.
In Case of Problems
If, a fter ma king a nd sa ving system cha nges with Setup, you discover tha t your
computer no longer is a ble to boot, the Awa rd BIOS supports a n override to the
CMOS settings which resets your system to its defa ults.
The best a dvice is to only a lter settings which you thoroughly understa nd. To this
end, we strongly recommend tha t you a void ma king a ny cha nges to the chipset
defa ults. These defa ults ha ve been ca refully chosen by both Awa rd a nd your
systems ma nufacturer to provide the a bsolute ma ximum performa nce a nd
relia bility. Even a seemingly sma ll cha nge to the ch ipset setup ha s the potentia l
for ca using you to use the override.