For shipment, package with enough foam
padding or other packing material to prevent dam-
age that can occur during shipping. The original
shipping carton is a good container if it has not
been damaged or subjected to excessive moisture.
For shipping to the factory by Common Carrier, use
the following address:
Cohu Electronics
3912 Calle Fortunada
San Diego, CA 92123-1827
Please contact the Customer Service Depart-
ment for a Return Authorization (RA) number before
sending any shipments to the factory:
858-277-6700 extension 261
Prominently display the RA number on the
outside of the shipping container(s) and on paper-
work contained inside. Give a brief description of
why the equipment is being returned and list the
symptoms of any problems being experienced with
the equipment.
Several GUI interfaces are available for use
with the 3960:
1. Win MPC (figure 19) is used to control a single
3960 during installation or maintenance operations.
This can be done either at a central shop facility or at
the site location of the 3960.
2. CAMS is used to control multiple 3960 systems
when an MPC Master Control Panel is being used as
the central control point.
3. NET Cams is used to control systems with multiple
3960 when the central control is a Net Cams Server.
This section of the manual describes use of
the WinMPC maintenance and setup GUI software.
3.1 Local Panel Control
If the 3960 has been connected through a
nearby Model 9300 Local Control Panel back to the
central control facility, it is possible to connect a tv
monitor to the Panel and control basic functions of
the 3960. A laptop PC running Windows would
connect to the RS-232 BNC connector on the front
of the panel for communications with the 3960. The
LOCAL/REMOTE switch on the 9300 must be set to
LOCAL to perform this local control.
The model 9300 local control panel can be
programmed for a site address. That address is
used for the site address — not the address of the
The system cable plugs into the 9300 and a
second cable then interconnects between the 9300
and the 3960. The 9300 becomes the site address.
3.2 Local Laptop PC Control
A local laptop PC running Win MPC software
can be used to connect to the 3960 and control a
full range of functions including the setting of its
address. This laptop can either connect through an
RS-232 connector on the front of an optional Local
Control Panel or it can connect directly to the 3960
RS-422 cable — in which case the RS-232 to RS-
422 converter is required.
3.3 WinMPC Installation Setup
Figure 20 is the home window of WinMPC. It is
from this window that other windows can be ac-
cessed. When Win MPC is used to set up the
3960, it must be isolated from all other 3960s (or
other addressable equipment) in the system. This
generally is no problem since the 3960 setup is
performed either at a test bench location or at the
actual 3960 site itself. If the address setting func-
tion of Win MPC were to be sent to multiple 3960s
they would all have identical addresses pro-
grammed into their memory. Since all addressable
equipment in a system must have a unique ad-
dress, this would result in an inoperative system.
Note: A separate operator’s manual is available for
the WinMPC software (Cohu manual No. 6X-1032.)
The information here describes initial use of
WinMPC for use with the 3960. Additional informa-
tion is available in the WinMPC manual. Also be
aware that the software may be updated more often
than this manual. Slight differences may be noted
with the version of WinMPC that is currently avail-
able for the 3960.