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C h ap ter III G en eral F u n ctio n s
C o n d u ctivity/T D S /S a lin ity/R esistivity/T em p M eter
C hapter IV . Setup F unctions
The setup m enu is used to identify and change instrum ent param eters.
T em perature Setting
If tem perature on display differs from a real tem perature, set a real tem perature
according to the follow ing procedure.
S etu p
and then the display is show n as follow s.
< < C O N D S E T U P > >
1.C ell/T ref/T C
2.D ate/T im e
3.D ata-L og
4.E xit
M od e
<< T E M P SE T U P >>
Set tem perature by using
key and exit by pressing
O u t
C lear data(M em ory)
If clearing the stored data, press
M od e
key to enter Salinity m ode. The display is
show n as follow s. A nd then press
E n ter
to clear. Therefore all data, w hich set at setup,
are changed to a basic value.
< < C L E A R > >
M em ory C lear
(Y es = E nter) (N o = O ut)
(1) C on d u ctivity M od e
In the conductivity ready condition press
S etu p
key to enter setup and then the
m essage is show n as follow s.