-2 1 -
D isplay
G raphic LC D
BN C , ATC , Pow er, RS232C
O utputs
RS-232C (C om puter/Printer)
Pow er
AC /D C Adaptor
C h ap ter IX S p ecificatio n s
C o n d u ctivity/T D S /S a lin ity/R esistivity/T em p M eter
C hapter X . O rdering Inform ation
O ther item s contact
For further inform ation on other accessories, please feel free to contact
at any
tim e.
A . Standard
* C onductivity C ell(K =1.0)
* A C /D C A daptor
* Instruction M anual
* D A PS (D ata A cqusition and Processing Softw are)
B . O ption
* Luxury Third-A rm Stand
* C onductivity Standard Solutions