-1 1 -
TD S factor adjusts by using
key and is basically adjusted to 0.7.
< < T D S F A C T O R IN P U T > >
If finishing setup, press either
O u t
key to exit setup.
C h ap ter IV S etu p F u n ctio n s
C o n d u ctivity/T D S /S a lin ity/R esistivity/T em p M eter
C hapter V . C alibration and M easurem ent
The basic condition is as follow s.
C ell C onstant (C ell) : 1.0
C om pensation Tem perature (Tref) : 25.0
Tem perature C oefficient(TC ) : 2.10 % /
D ata-Log : m em ory
This m eter contains function to confirm the last calibration status of conductivity.
(1) C on d u ctivity C alib ration S tatu s
In conductivity ready condition press
S etu p
key and
C al
key or in m easurem ent
condition press
C al
key to enter ¡ C ond C alibration Status¡ .
< < C o n d C a lib ra tio n S ta tu s> >
D ate/T im e : 98/03/26 17:30
T em p : 18.0
T ref : 25.0
Standard : 146.9 uS/cm
C onfirm D ate/Tim e, tem perature(Tem p) and com pensation tem perature(Tref) and
standard solution used for the last calibration. If pressing
O u t
key, return to an initial
If clearing data, can¡t confirm the last C alibration Status, and the display is show n as
follow s.
< < C o n d C a lib ra tio n S ta tu s> >