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C h ap ter III G en eral F u n ctio n s
C o n d u ctivity/T D S /S a lin ity/R esistivity/T em p M eter
E lectrod e S torage & M ain ten an ce
C onductivity C ell Storage
A dirty cell w ill contam inate the solution and cause conductivity to change. It is best
to store cells that are im m ersed in deionized w ater. Provided the cell has been stored in
condition of drying, should be soaked in distilled w ater for five to ten m inutes before
using to keep electrode w et.
C onductivity C ell M aintenance
(C ell C leaning)
G lease, oil, fingerprints, and other contam inants on the sensing elem ents can cause
erroneous m easurem ents and sporadic responses.
If it takes long tim e to response or a stable data isn't obtained, can be often restored to
norm al perform ance by using the follow ing procedures;
C lean cells w ith detergent and/or dilute nitric acid(1% ) by dipping or filling the cell
w ith cleaning solution and agitating for tw o or three m inutes. O ther diluted acids(e.g.
sulfuric, hydrochloric, chrom ic) m ay be used for cleaning except for aqua regia. W hen
a stronger cleaning solution is required, try concentrated hydrochloric acid m ixed into
50% isopropanol.