-1 9 -
: ----------- C om m and L ist -------------:
1. exit
: Exit R em ote C ontrol
2. cond
: R ead C onductivity
3. tds
: R ead TD S
4. sal
: R ead Salinity
5. r
: R ead R esistivity.
6. tem p
: R ead R eference Tem perature
7. data
: R ead the stored data in m eter
8. help
: C om m and H elp M essage
The follow ing m essage is to read a conductivity.
ISTEK >cond
conductivity : 1413
In case of reading the data stored in m eter if inputting data, m essage "D ata R eading
N o :" is displayed
ISTEK >R em ote C ontrol M ode
ISTEK >data
D ata R eading N o:
If inputting D ata N um ber the data stored in m eter is displayed as follow s. This is also
used by storing in "screen capture" or recording.
[D A TA M O D E] N um ber : 3
D ate & Tim e : [ 96/11/26 11:15 ]
conductivity : 1413
: 25.0 'C
C h ap ter V II R em o te C o n tro l
C o n d u ctivity/T D S /S a lin ity/R esistivity/T em p M eter
C hapter VIII.
T roubleshooting & E rror D escription
Sym ptom
Possible cause
R em edy
Erratic reading
Faulty connection betw een
m eter and sensor
Tighten connection
B roken cable
R eplace cable
A ir trapped in conductivity
C ell
A gitate cell up and dow n
to expel trapped air
C hange of w ater tem perature M easure in situ
B roken conductivity cell
R eplace cell