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C h ap ter V I D ata-L o g
C o n d u ctivity/T D S /S a lin ity/R esistivity/T em p M eter
C hapter VII. R em ote C ontrol
The m eter can be rem otely controlled by PC .
A fter connecting your m eter to PC by R S232C interface cable and perform ing
com m unication program of com puter, if pressing
E n ter
key of PC keyboard, rem otely
controlled and key button of m eter doesn't w ork.
R eady 96 / 11 / 12 11:15
0 .0
T r. 25.0
2.10 % /
R em ote C ontrol TEM P 18.0
W hen R em ote control is started, m essage ¡ C onductivity R em ote C ontrol M ode¡ is
displayed on the m onitor of com puter.
ISTEK >C onductivity R em ote C ontrol M ode
If inputting help w hile perform ing com m unication program , the rem ote control
com m ands are displayed on the m onitor of com puter.
ISTEK >help
The follow ing m essages are the rem ote control com m ands.