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C h ap ter II In stru m en t S etu p
C o n d u ctivity/T D S /S a lin ity/R esistivity/T em p M eter
C hapter III. G eneral F unctions
K ey F u n ction
K ey N am e D escrip tion
Pow er
used to turn O N /O FF.
R eset
used to initiate a system .
M ode
used to change operating m odes, such as conductivity, TD S,
salinity or resistivity.
R esolution
used to change the resolution w hile m easuring.
R eady/m easure
used to change condition of m eter, i.e. m easure or ready.
This is used for changing from ready to m easure condition or
C al used to start or set calibration.
used to confirm the last calibration status.
Setup used to access the setup m enu.
This is used for setting instrum ent param eters.
C an set C ell C onstant, Tem perature C oefficient, Tem perature
C om pensation, D ate/Tim e and D ata-Log.
used to m ove position of cursor.
used to m easure conductivity w ithout tem perature com pensation.
Enter used to set a selected data.
M em ory
used to store data in m eter¡s m em ory w hile m easuring.
In the ready condition, used to search the m em orizeded data.
O ut
used to print data.
used to exit in Setup m ode.
In setup and D ata(M em ory) m ode, press to increase value.
dow n(
In setup and D ata(M em ory) m ode, press to decrease value.
C onductivity M eter
Model 455C
S e le c t
P ow e r
M ode
M ea-
M e-
m ory