-1 2 -
1. D ate/T im e : 00/00/00 00:00
2. T em p : 0.0
3. T ref : 0.0
4. Standard :
N o D ata
C h ap ter V C alib ratio n & M easu rem en t
C o n d u ctivity/T D S /S a lin ity/R esistivity/T em p M eter
(2) P rep aration
C onnect m eter w ith cell and A TC jack.
Prepare a required buffer for m easurem ent and m agnetic stirrer.
C learly rinse cell w ith the distilled w ater and blot dry.
(3) C alib ration
In conductivity ready condition, press
C al
key to enter calibration m ode.
The display is show n as follow s, and select standard solution by using
S elect
[C al]
R eady
146.9 uS
1413 uS
6.67 m S
0 .0 0
12.89 m S
TEM P : 18.0 Tr : 25.0
111.9 m S
Put cell into the selected standard solution and press
M easu re
Put cell into standard solution and press
M easu re
[C al]
M easure
146.9 uS
1413 uS
6.67 m S
1 4 3 .6
12.89 m S
TEM P : 18.0 Tr : 25.0
111.9 m S
A fter the reading is stable, press
C al
key and then C al-O K m essage is displayed and
returns to an initial m ode.
[C al]
C al-O K
146.9 uS
1 4 6 .9
1413 uS