3-14 Menus
Window Menu
Add Strip Chart
This menu selection opens a strip chart plot window.
Example of an Added Strip Chart
Window Menu
Delete Window
Deletes the window that is currently in focus. When multiple plot windows are open, one is
always the “focus window. When a window does not have focus, its title bar is dimmed. To
change the “focus window,” simply click on top or side border of the window of interest.
Window Menu
Input Channels
The Input Channels window is selected from the
pull-down menu.
When selected, “Buttons” removes the channel button boxes from the toolbar and displays
them in a floating window. The buttons are used in the exact same manner as when they were
located on
’s main window. Removing the checkmark from “Buttons” places the
channel buttons back onto the toolbar. Note that the <Input Channel Buttons> button [located
on the toolbar, just to the left of where the channel buttons reside] provides the same
functionality. See chapter 5 for location.
To add a channel
: use the mouse to click and drag a channel box from the
complete channel button display into the plot area.
To remove a channel
: use the mouse to click and drag a channel box (from the
right-side of the plot) into the plot area.
The Status dialog box (following figure) uses a chart to indicate the followings:
Volts linear
percent of the Full-Scale Voltage (FSV)
The status box includes “maximum” bars to show the highest level of signal value reached by
each channel during the measurement process.
Meas V
Measured Voltage
+/- FSV
The Full-Scale Voltage
Delta %
The percentage difference between the measured voltage
and the Full-Scale voltage, such that Meas V is n% of FSV;
with n being the value of Delta %.