Edit Menu 4-29
Tach Setup – Analog Channels Section of FFT Tab
Properties for Analog Channels (CH1 through CH8) when set to “Tach” for Input Type
Displays the number of pulses per revolution.
Trig Level
Specifies the pulse level that the RPM algorithm considers valid.
Trig Slope
Specifies whether counting is Positive or Negative. Positive means that the trigger
will be active on rising signal levels. Negative means that the trigger will be active
on falling signal levels.
Used to enter an RPM multiplier value. This is useful if your tachometer is
measuring an RPM that is proportional to another value of interest, such as in a
gear train. For example, you want to see the RPM for shaft “X” which is known to
turn at 2.5 times the RPM of gear “Z;” but it is impractical for a tachometer to
measure the RPM of the shaft by any direct means. In this case, we would enter a
multiplier of 2.5 for the gear’s RPM to obtain the shaft’s RPM.
Max Orders
Used for analog input channels that have been configured as tach channels. Max
RPM and Max Orders are used to limit the X axes scale range when calculating an
Order Tracking display in the main function view window. Max RPM and Max
Orders represent the practical limits of the Order Track display that are constrained
by the settings of Analyses frequency, Spectral lines, and the Nyquist Factor.
These two values interact. Changing one will cause the other to change.