MLR 3G 2.0
Optionally, an
alternative remote terminal can be defined
, which will be used
by the MLR 3G 2.0 to establish the VPN connection, if the remote terminal
configured above is not available. Enter an IP address or domain name into
the "Alternative remote site" field for this.
In order to
define the local port at the MLR 3G 2.0 as well as the port at the
remote terminal
, enter a value for the required port into the entry fields "Tun-
nelling over port (local / remote)".
VPN transmission protocol
is selected with the radio buttons "UDP" or
"TCP". We recommend to use UDP to minimize latency.
In order to
set a default route
, check the checkbox "Set default route (redirect-
gateway)". The complete data traffic will be routed through the tunnel then.
It is not obligatory to provide the
local port and the IP address of the
OpenVPN connection
. If you want to leave the use of ports and the IP address
free, uncheck the checkbox "Bind to local address and port".
In order to
enable remote VPN terminals to change its IP during a connection
"), check the checkbox "Remote terminal is allowed to change its IP
address (float)". This setting is activated by default.
In order to
enable or disable LZO compression
, check or uncheck the checkbox
"Activate LZO compression". If already strongly compressed data (e.g. jpg) is
transmitted, the compression will have hardly any effect; however, if com-
pressible data (e.g. text) is transmitted, the compression may significantly re-
duce the transmitted volume of data. Switch the compression off, if the re-
mote terminal does not support LZO compression.
In order to
mask the packets with the virtual tunnel IP address
, check the
checkbox "Masquerade packets before tunnelling". The recipient of the pack-
ets sees the IP address of the tunnel end as sender then, not the address of the
original sender.
In order to
use a different encryption method
than the preset method "Blow-
fish 128 Bit" for the VPN connection, select one of the following encryption
types in the drop-down menu "Cipher algorithm":
(Blowfish 128 Bit), DES 64 Bit, DES EDE 128 Bit, DES EDE3 192 Bit,
DESX 192 Bit, CAST5 128 Bit, IDEA 128 Bit, RC2 128 Bit, RC2 40 Bit, RC2 64 Bit,
AES 128 Bit, AES 192 Bit, AES 256 Bit
In order to configure the
detail level of the messages in the connection log
enter the detail level into the field "Log level", where "0" disables the log re-
cord completely and "9" records the most detailed information.
In order to define a certain
fragmenting size for the VPN tunnel packets
bytes, use the entry field "Fragment packets". Enter the required maximum
packet size in bytes here. If you don't enter a value, the VPN packets will have
a maximum size of 1.500 bytes. The actually transmitted amount of user data
is lower, because VPN creates a "protocol overhead", which means that the
protocol information that is transmitted as well is a part of the packet size.
In order to
adjust the interval up to the key renegotiation
, use the entry field
"Interval for renegotiation of data channel key". This interval configures the
time in seconds, which must expire before new keys are created.