OnTime Clock
Installation and User Guide
Firmware Version 2
All claims based on information publicly available at time of printing. All other product or service names mentioned
in this document may be trademarks of the companies with which they are associated.
© 2017 Inova Solutions | All rights reserved | page 6
Figure 1: PoE Cabling Plan
4.3.2. Sites with PoE Enabled Network Equipment
Sites that are already equipped with PoE enabled network equipment are most likely
already compatible with the OnTime Clock. The OnTime Clock will automatically
request and receive power from a PoE enabled switch that conforms to the IEEE 802.3af
If the site plan calls for a significant number of clocks to be powered from a single piece
of network equipment, it may be useful to verify that that piece of equipment can
deliver the necessary power. Some PoE enabled switches cannot deliver the full IEEE
802.3af power of 15.4 Watts per port or may require certain power options to do so.
Refer to the specifications in Table 1 for the actual power consumption of all of the units
and to the manual for your particular PoE enabled power sourcing equipment.
4.3.3. Sites with no Existing PoE Equipment
Sites that are not currently equipped with PoE enabled network equipment are typically
best served by Midspan Power Injectors. The Midspan Power Injector is a multi-port
rack mounted device that looks a lot like an Ethernet Switch. Typically it is installed in
the rack near the existing Ethernet switch, and any ports that require PoE service are
routed through the Midspan Power Injector. These units are typically available in 6
port, 12 port, 24 port, or 48 port configurations. The
OnTime Store
offers a single port