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Transpector SPS Operating Manual
7.4 General Instructions For All Repair Procedures
Do servicing in a clean, well illuminated area.
Obey all cautions and warnings.
Wear clean nylon, lint free lab gloves or finger cots. Do
not touch the vacuum side of any component with
unprotected fingers.
Use clean tools for sensor disassembly and assembly.
7.5 Required Tools, Materials, or Parts
7.5.1 Tools for Replacing the Filament Kit
3 mm nut driver
1/16 in. flat blade screwdriver
7.5.2 Tools for Replacing the Ion Source
1/16 in. flat blade screwdriver
#2 Phillips head screwdriver
Precision pliers
7.5.3 Tools for Replacing the Electron Multiplier
1/16 in. flat blade screwdriver
Phillips head screwdriver
1.5 x 50 mm hex driver
2.0 x 75 mm hex driver
Precision pliers
Non-metallic tweezers