CS2013 Infant Carrier - Seatbelt installation only.
CS2113 Infant Carrier - either Seatbelt or ISOFIX Compatible installations.
The CS2013/CS2113 Child restraint has been designed and tested to meet the joint
Australian/New Zealand Standard with an inbuilt anti rebound feature and does not require
additional anti rebound bars or mechanisms to fulfil these requirements.
The CS2013/CS2113 Child restraint has also been designed to be a compact restraint to
enable multiple restraints to be used in the rear of most vehicles.
If you have purchased the CS2113 Infant Carrier (which ISOFIX compatible), the base is
fitted with Lower Anchorage Connectors (LAC) straps which contain ISOFIX compatible
connectors and tension indicating adjusters for each side of the base.
The CS2013/CS2113 Infant Carrier is suitable for fitting to a variety of strollers.
Part Number:
WG101. Black
For compatible strollers refer to www.infasecure.com.au.
Adaptors are required to enable connections to the strollers.
Part Number:
CS118 Adapter Set.
The Purchaser should check the measurement between the
front of the seat back of the rear seat and all front seats in the
car in which the child restraint is intended to be used, to
ensure that the space is sufficient.
Care and attention should be given to ensure that the baby has adequate ventilation
and shading when in the restraint.
To achieve the necessary distribution of deceleration forces during a vehicle impact,
ensure the child is seated correctly in the child restraint and the harness is fitted and
adjusted as per these instructions.
Ensure the child restraint and child are rearward facing.
Infant Seat