STV50 ed 09/08
VICTRIX 50 Rev. 002
It reads the outside temperature and enables the integrated board to change
the system delivery temperature according to the temperature outside.
External probe (B4)
(external optional)
NTC sensor
25 °C
It enables the integrated board to read the domestic hot water temperature.
If it breaks the burner stops in the d.h.w. mode.
It must be placed inside a bulb holder against the outside wall of the storage
Domestic hot water probe
NTC sensor
25 °C
This enables operating in the heating mode when room temperature is
below that requested.
If thermoregulating devices are installed, the room thermostat must be
disconnected without re-establishing the existing jumper X40.
Room thermostat (S20)
(external optional)
Interrupted contact
The boiler can be RESET and its operating values can be set, modified and stored with the keys.
By means of a Display and depending on the keys selected, it displays the boiler’s operating values
and the error codes.
Display board
This ensures the flow of air inside the air-gas mixing pipe and the extraction of flue produced by
It is powered by the electronic integrated board.
When the safety temperature is exceeded (105 °C) this interrupts power
to the main coils of the gas valve.
It is positioned on the delivery pipe at the primary exchanger outlet.
Safety thermostat
Clicson thermostat
with N.C. contact
It is powered (24 V) by the electronic integrated board when burner ignition is necessary.
It allows passage of gas to the burner.
Gas valve (Y1)
(main coils)
It diverts the primary circuit water flow from the central heating system to the d.h.w. exchanger
e.g. storage tank)
and vice versa.
It is powered by the electronic integrated board (24 V).
3-way diverter valve
This output is used for connecting the zones and cascade regulator and the boiler and vice versa
the thermoregulation section).
BUS output
It enables the integrated board to read the temperature of the delivery
water in the primary circuit.
If it breaks burner operation stops.
It is located at the primary exchanger outlet.
Delivery probe
NTC sensor
25 °C
It enables the integrated board to read the temperature of the return water
in the primary circuit.
If it breaks burner operation stops.
It is located at the primary exchanger intlet.
Return probe
NTC sensor
25 °C
When the flue safety temperature is exceeded (100 °C) this interrupts
power to the main coils of the gas valve.
It is placed on the condensation module close to the draught diverter.
Flue thermostat
Clicson twin-
contact thermostat
Technical Documentation
Technical Documentation