STV50 ed 09/08
VICTRIX 50 Rev. 002
This is a cylindrical burner (5) consisting of three concentric
plates appropriately perforated and made of a special stainless
steel highly resistant to high temperatures and corrosion.
It is fitted inside the condensation module, in a sealed com-
bustion chamber closed by a flange (4) to which the burner is
secured and which simultaneously ensures direct connection
with the air-gas mix duct (6).
Pre-mixing, the absence of secondary air and the construction
characteristics of the burner ensure high combustion perform-
ance and very low pollutant emissions
(see technical data).
Thanks to the high resistance to temperatures of the materi-
als used, it is possible to operate with a very low flame up
to a minimum output of 10.0 kW (8,600 kcal/h)
(20 % of
nominal output)
An integrated electronic board sees to ignition and controls
both the ignition (7) and detection (9) electrodes.
Ignition electrodes (7).
They are controlled by the integrated electronic board which
produces an electrical charge between them that ignites the
air-gas mix.
Electrode (8) has no ceramic insulation and is earthed directly
blind electrode).
They are positioned on the right of the burner and secured
on the flange (4).
Detection electrode (9).
It is controlled by the integrated electronic board and detects
burner ignition.
It also acts as a flue safety device when any air intake or combus-
tion product extraction problems cause the burner to operate
below minimum output.
In this case, in fact, we have a flame-stop condition because
there is no detection by the electrode.
To protect the combustion circuit, this same stoppage prevents
the module from filling with water whenever there are conden-
sation drainage problems (
siphon blockage, etc
It is fixed on the left of the burner flange (4).
: in case of ignition block it’s required to check the distances
of the ignition electrodes and of the detection electrodes sticking
to the values shown in the figure at this side.
Check moreover that there are no insulating cinders on the de-
tection electrodes.
Technical Documentation
Technical Documentation