Chapter 3 Sequencing
Prepare Libraries for Sequencing
Remove Used Reservoir from Position #9
To perform a sequencing run on the MiniSeq System, prepare run consumables and then follow the software
prompts to set up the sequencing run.
Workflow Overview
Cluster Generation
During cluster generation, single DNA molecules are bound to the surface of the flow cell, and then amplified
to form clusters.
Clusters are imaged using 2-channel sequencing chemistry and filter combinations specific to each of the
fluorescently labeled chain terminators. After imaging of a tile on the flow cell is complete, the next tile is
imaged. The process is repeated for each cycle of sequencing. Following image analysis, the software
performs base calling, filtering, and quality scoring.
As the run progresses, the control software automatically transfers base call (BCL) files to the specified output
location for data analysis. Several analysis methods are available depending on your application and the
selected analysis configuration for your system. For more information, see
Sequencing Run Duration
Sequencing run duration depends on the number of cycles performed. The maximum run length is a 150-
cycle paired-end run, plus up to 2 index reads of 8 cycles each.
For expected durations and other system specifications, visit the
MiniSeq System specifications page
on the
Illumina website.
Number of Cycles in a Read
In a sequencing run, the number of cycles performed in a read is 1 more cycle than the number of cycles
analyzed. For example, to perform a 150-cycle paired-end run, set up the run to perform 151 cycles per read
(2 × 151) for a total of 302 cycles. At the end of the run, 2 × 150 cycles are analyzed. The extra cycle in each
read is used for phasing and prephasing calculations.
Document # 1000000002695 v02 Material # 20014309
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.