Recommended Action
Temperature ramp
Contact Illumina Technical Support.
Temperature sensors
Contact Illumina Technical Support.
Contact Illumina Technical Support.
Imaging System
Recommended Action
Imaging limits
Contact Illumina Technical Support.
Z step-and-settle
Contact Illumina Technical Support.
Bit error rate
Contact Illumina Technical Support.
Flow cell registration
It is possible that the flow cell is not properly seated.
• On the run setup screens, select Back to return to the flow cell step.
• Unload and reload the flow cell to make sure that it is seated properly.
Reagent Delivery
Recommended Action
Valve response
Contact Illumina Technical Support.
Contact Illumina Technical Support.
Hard Drive Space
The instrument computer hard drive can hold approximately 45 runs based on data generated from a run
using the following run parameters:
Approximately 5–6 GB of space is required for 150-cycle paired-end run.
An additional 10 GB of space is required for analysis files when using the Local Run Manager
Resequencing analysis module.
For each run performed, a temporary run folder is created as part of the software operation. As files are
written to the temporary run folder, the files are copied to the output folder. Therefore, if you specify an
output folder location on the instrument hard drive, 2 copies of that run are written to the hard drive. The
software saves the most recent 3 temporary run folders.
When using the Local Run Manager software for analysis, temporary files are not deleted, by default. The
retention policy is set manually from the Local Run Manager System Settings screen.
Eventually, temporary files can fill the hard drive space. Consider using a network location for run data and
setting a reasonable Local Run Manager retention policy based on the number of runs that you perform.
RTA Errors
To troubleshoot RTA errors, first check the RTA error log, which is stored in the RTALogs folder. This file is not
present for successful runs. Include the error log when reporting issues to Illumina Technical Support.
Error Handling
RTA2 creates log files and writes them to the RTALogs folder. Errors are recorded in an error file in *.tsv file
The following log and error files are transferred to the final output destination at the end of processing:
*GlobalLog*.tsv summarizes important run events.
*LaneNLog*.tsv lists processing events. N is always 1 on a MiniSeq flow cell.
*Error*.tsv lists errors that occurred during a run.
Document # 1000000002695 v02 Material # 20014309
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
MiniSeq System Guide