Custom Genomes
You can upload your own reference in FASTA format to the instrument computer. You can upload several
single FASTA files
a single multi-FASTA file (recommended), but not a combination of both.
To troubleshoot issues with a custom genome file, confirm the following requirements.
Make sure that the file uses a *.fa or *.fasta extension and that it is stored in a dedicated folder for the
Make sure that the chromosome name does not contain any of following characters:
# - ? ( ) [ ] / \ = + < > : ; " ' , * ^ | &
For best results, use only alpha-numeric characters as chromosome names.
Shut Down the Instrument
Under normal conditions, there is no reason to shut down the instrument.
Select Manage Instrument.
Select Shutdown options.
Select Shut down.
The command safely shuts down the software and turns off instrument power. Wait at least 60 seconds
before turning on the instrument again. A wash is required before the next sequencing run.
Do not
relocate the instrument. Moving the instrument improperly can affect the optical alignment and
compromise data integrity. If you have to relocate the instrument, contact your Illumina representative.
Document # 1000000002695 v02 Material # 20014309
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
MiniSeq System Guide