Real-Time Analysis Workflow
Template generation
Maps cluster locations.
Registration and intensity
Records the location of each cluster on the flow cell and determines an intensity value for
each cluster.
Phasing correction
Corrects the effects of phasing and prephasing.
Base calling
Determines a base call for every cluster.
Quality scoring
Assigns a quality score to every base call.
Template Generation
The first step in the RTA workflow is template generation, which defines the position of each cluster in a tile
using X and Y coordinates.
Template generation requires image data from the first 5 cycles of the run. After the last template cycle for a
tile is imaged, the template is generated.
To detect a cluster during template generation, there must be at least 1 base other than G in the first 5
The template is used as a reference for the subsequent step of registration and intensity extraction. Cluster
positions for the entire flow cell are written to cluster location (*.locs) files, 1 file for each lane.
Registration and Intensity Extraction
Registration and intensity extraction begin after template generation.
Registration aligns images produced over every subsequent cycle of imaging against the template.
Intensity extraction determines an intensity value for each cluster in the template for a given image.
If registration fails for any images in a cycle, no intensities are extracted and all bases are called as N for that
tile in that cycle. Use the Sequencing Analysis Viewer software to identify tiles and cycles that have failed
registration. Registration failures are easily identified as tiles and cycles that have 0 in the P90 column on the
Imaging tab.
Phasing Correction
During the sequencing reaction, each DNA strand in a cluster extends by one base per cycle. Phasing and
prephasing occurs when a strand becomes out of phase with the current incorporation cycle.
Phasing occurs when a base falls behind.
Prephasing occurs when a base jumps ahead.
Document # 1000000002695 v02 Material # 20014309
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
MiniSeq System Guide