Draco tera
Pos : 36 / 806-IHSE/ Besc hreibung /Sy slog M onit oring/ 480-xx @ 8\m od_1351496895799_6. doc @ 69482 @ 2 @ 4
Syslog Monitoring
The complete logging of the Draco tera matrix activities, switching
operations and surveillance of the function of critical components like fans
or power supply units takes place in this menu.
You have the following option to access the menu:
In order to start Syslog Monitoring proceed as follows:
Select the symbol
in the symbol bar.
Menu Monitoring - Syslog
Logging of system activities starts when the
menu is opened
and remains active until the tab is closed.
Syslog messages are transmitted via UDP. Therefore, port 514 within the
used network should not be blocked, e.g. by a firewall.
During logging the activities are written continuously into logging files and
stored locally. This process can be set with various options.