iG8 User Manual
Using SurvCE to Control the iG8
You can configure your iG8 receiver
from the front panel using the two button interface (see page 14)
from a data collector with SurvCE connected by Bluetooth to the receiver
via Wi-Fi using a standard web browser
The next sections describe operation of the iG8 from SurvCE:
Starting a New SurvCE Job
Configuring the iG8 UHF Base
Page 24
Configuring an iG8 UHF Rover
Page 33
Troubleshooting a UHF Base / Rover Pair
Page 36
Configuring an iG8 Network Rover with DCI
Page 40
Configuring the iG8 Intern al Cellular Modem
Page 48
Configuring an iG8 Network Rover
Page 42
Starting a New SurvCE Job
iG8 GNSS Receivers are typically sold with Carlson SurvCE field data collection software running on a stand-alone data
collector or SurvPC running on a stand-alone tablet computer.
The iG8 will work with SurvCE Version 5.08 or higher. We recommend SurvCE / SurvPC Version 6.05.04 or higher.
Throughout this manual, it is assumed that you have a SurvCE job open on your data collector when you begin setting up
Base and Rover configurations.
This section describes in detail how to setup a new SurvCE job.
Turn on the Data Collector, wait for it to boot.
Start SurvCE by clicking on Carlson SurvCE from the
main screen:
On some installations you may need to click on the
‘Start’ icon is the windows flag in the upper left or
lower left corner of the screen.
The opening screen will be shown, click on Continue
or Select New/Existing Job as appropriate:
For this example, choose a ‘Select New/Existing