Device Manual SmartSPS AC14 with EtherNet/IP interface (AC1421, AC1422), Firmware 3.1.2
Fieldbus EtherNet/IP
Click on [_AC142n:C]
The detailed view shows a table with the current values of the configuration assembly instance (device-specific
parameters, module configuration)
For each row (= parameter): enter the desired parameter value in the [Value] column (→
Parameter setting via
the configuration assembly object
(→ page
Save the project.
Transfer the set configuration to the controller (download)
Set the communication path to the device (→ operating instructions RSLogix 5000).
Transfer the project to the EtherNet/IP controller and start it.
AC142n: the start screen shows the status of the EtherNet/IP connection:
EtherNet/IP active
Optional: import the description of the inputs and outputs into the project
Download the I/O description file (→
Download the device and I/O description
In RSLogix 5000: Select [Tools] > [Import] > [Tag and Logic Comments ...] to start the wizard for importing the I/O
The [Import] dialogue box appears.