IO-Link Master with AS-Interface Interface StandardLine 4 Ports IP 65 / IP 66 / IP 67
13.3.12 0x0A: Write Parameter
The command writes the parameter on an IO-Link device connected to the IO-Link master.
Parameters with a length <= 150 bytes are transferred with an acyclic write command (block ID =
Parameters with a length > 150 bytes are transferred with 2 acyclic write commands.
1. Command: Write first segment of the parameter
Block ID: 0x01
Data Length: 154 bytes
Parameter Data Length: Length n of the parameter (150 bytes < n < 233 bytes)
Parameter Data: Bytes 0...149
1. Command: Write second segment of the parameter
Block ID: 0xFF
Data Length: Number m of the remaining bytes of the parameter data (m = n -150)
The fields Index, Subindex, Parameter Data Length contain the parameter data: Bytes 150...n
The total of the values in the fields Data Length of the first and second command is the length
of the parameter.