First, practice hovering in a small space, using small control inputs to keep the quadcopter in one place (Fig. 1). Next,
practice flying a square or rectangular pattern (Fig. 2), then practice flying in a figure-8 pattern (Fig. 3). After getting
better at flying these patterns, practice flying different patterns, spinning the quadcopter 360º and changing the
position at which you stand relative to the front of the quadcopter (Fig. 4).
Fig. 1
Practice Patterns:
Once you become comfortable with the basics, start practicing the different patterns described below to help you
increase your skills and confidence flying the quadcopter.
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
The quadcopter is stable and easy to fly, and in general should require very little to no flight trimming. Follow the tips
below if and when flight trimming your quadcopter.
If you feel the quadcopter requires flight trimming that is not caused by a continuous cross-wind, do the following first:
a) Ensure all four Trim Switches are centered. When you move a Trim Switch, a short audible tone is heard. When
a Trim Switch is centered, a longer audible tone will sound. Re-arm the motors and continue flying.
b) Land and let the quadcopter’s center points reset on their own automatically by landing on a flat, level surface
and holding there without any movement for at least 10 seconds. Re-arm the motors and continue flying.
c) It’s possible that the compass is out of calibration or was not calibrated correctly. Perform the compass calibration
process, re-arm the motors and continue flying. If you still feel that the quadcopter requires flight trimming go
ahead and adjust the Trim Switches as described in the diagrams below and on the next page.
We suggest flight trimming the quadcopter while hovering no less than 3 feet off the ground. Flying any lower
will make it more difficult to trim the quadcopter due to the ground effect caused by the spinning propellers.
We also suggest flight trimming in a calm environment (little to no wind).
1) Push the throttle forward to take off and place the quadcopter in a stable hover, about 3 feet off the ground. Release
both control sticks and watch how the quadcopter reacts, then trim the quadcopter as described in the diagrams
below and on the next page.
If the quadcopter spins left, push the Yaw Trim Switch
RIGHT several times until the quadcopter stops
spinning left.
Push Right
If the quadcopter spins right, push the Yaw Trim Switch
LEFT several times until the quadcopter stops
spinning right.
Spins Right
Spins Left
Push Left