2.3 Using the Control Panel
The Data display can contain up to 8 characters of status information.
The Data display indicates a normal switch-on power sequence (see "How to
Switch-On Power to the 3514" in topic 2.4) by the following:
A display of BBnn (where nn is any number) for 3 minutes after the
Power switch is set to the On position.
Then a display of either *000, B000, or BBA0 with the Unit Ready light
on and the Unit Attention light off. If the Unit Attention light is
on, or if a display other than *000, B000, or BBA0 appears, an error
exists that needs service.
The following tables describe commands that can be performed from the
control panel:
"Quick Status Commands" in topic 2.5.1.
"Display Commands" in topic 2.5.2.
3514 Service Information
Using the Control Panel
¦ Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1993
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