1.7 Analyzing Other Problems
1. Do you observe any of the following conditions:
See smoke or fire
Smell something unusual
Hear an unusual sound
Feel an unusual vibration
No Yes
Go to step 4.
2. Is the 3514 Power light on, Unit Attention light off, and *000
Yes No
Go to step 9.
3. From your computer system, run the diagnostic test programs for the
3514/A Array Adapter. (See the 3514 Quick Reference Manual, SA21-9613
for instructions on running diagnostics.)
End of procedure.
4. The 3514 is not operating correctly:
Warning: Check with the customer to see if the system can be
interrupted and stopped. Turning power off on the 3514 and exchanging
FRUs could cause loss of data.
5. Set the 3514 Power switch to the Off position.
6. Disconnect the ac power cable from the rear of the 3514.
7. Exchange the FRUs that appear to have a problem (parts that match the
symptoms indicated in step 1 of this procedure).
a. For a list of FRUs that can be exchanged, see "Failing Item Table"
in topic 3.3.
b. See Chapter 4, "Service Procedures" in topic 4.0 for the correct
procedures to exchange any FRU.
8. If exchanging any parts does not correct the problem, call your next
level of support.
End of procedure.
9. Is the Unit Attention light on?
Yes No
Go to "Analyzing No-Response Problems" in topic 1.4.
10. Find the first URC in the URC error log and go to "Unit Reference Code
Table" in topic 3.2. The URC is the 4 leftmost characters in the
error log entry. (See "Using the 3514 Unit Reference Code (URC) Error
Log" in topic 2.6.)
End of procedure.
3514 Service Information
Analyzing Other Problems
¦ Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1993
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