4.5.2 Disk Drive Logic Card
Do not switch off power to the 3514 unless directed by the procedure in
this manual.
1. The disk drive logic card is shipped in a container that is used as
the ESD-protected work surface. Setup the ESD-protected work surface
before continuing. Use the instructions printed on the top of the
2. When the Exchange Disk Drive command (4 2 9 n) is performed, the disk
drive with new disk drive logic card will be returned to the 3514
configuration. If this occurs successfully, you will be directed to
exchange the entire disk drive assembly after recovery is completed.
Warning: The disk enclosure and logic card are sensitive to electrostatic
discharge. The following procedures must be performed on the
ESD-protected work surface. The ESD wrist strap is supplied in the ESD
handling kit, IBM part 6428316.
Warning: Do not hold or apply pressure to the disk enclosure cover. This
can cause the disk enclosure cover to touch and damage the disks inside.
Hold the disk enclosure by its shock mounts to prevent damage.
1. Remove the front cover (see "Front Cover Removal or Installation
Procedure" in topic 4.3).
Note: If you do not know the location of the failing FRU, the
character in the third position of the URC that initiated this repair
action indicates the slot number (1 through 8).
2. Warning: Before you proceed, use the ESD handling kit, IBM part
6428316 or similar.
To exchange the disk drive logic card, begin the Exchange Disk Drive
command from the control panel:
a. Using the control panel, enter the following sequence where n is
the location number of the disk drive logic card being exchanged:
4 2 9 n PICTURE 233
b. The control panel displays a disk drive configuration with the
slot number of the drive to be exchanged indicated by a solid
block ( ¦ ).
¦ 1 2 3 _ ¦ _ 7 _ ¦ Indicates the disk
+-----------------+ in slot 5 is ready
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 to be exchanged
Note: If an X is displayed in another position and you are not
repairing a double disk drive failure, the exchange command may
have been issued to the wrong disk drive. Verify that the slot
number of the disk drive being exchanged was not determined from
the direct select address reported by the system.
c. If the 3514 detects an error during the 4 2 9 n command, a return
code is displayed.
To determine if further action is required, go to "Control Panel
Command Return Code Information" in topic 3.4.
¦ 4 2 9 n x x ¦ Return Code x x
+-----------------+ on disk drive n.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3. Loosen the screw 1 and place the control panel in the service
4. Remove the front EMC shield.
3514 Service Information
Disk Drive Logic Card
¦ Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1993
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