1022410 – 0001 Rev. 2
UMOD hardware theory of operation 3–73
This section describes loop–timed systems with phase coherent
and limited phase coherent DTE for different software versions.
Software versions are grouped as 2.01 and lower, and 3.03 and
For software version 2.01 and lower. The looped–timed systems
configurations for software versions 2.01 and lower are illustrated
in figures 3-46 and 3-47and assume the following:
The DTE data rates are all the same
The DTE requires a slaved phase relationship where no
phase wander is allowed
If station clock is used, input must be within
100 ppm
For the near or master end, set Buffer ON, TCS must be set
to TXDTE, and RCS must be set to Station (with or without
station clock)
For the far or slave end, set Buffer OFF, RCS must be set to
Recovered, and TCS must be set to TXDTE.
Figure 3-46
Looped–timed system, phase coherency with station clock (SW 2.01)
Looped–timed systems
phase coherent DTE