1022410 – 0001 Rev. 2
UMOD hardware theory of operation 3–55
generate an alarm on the outgoing transmit data.
IDR backward alarms
Backward alarms are more complicated in the IDR service
because an IDR carrier can be multi-destinational, that is, the
carrier may be received by more than one destination. All IDR
carriers have four backward alarm channels.
When in IDR mode the IFU Rx prompt (SUM–RX–FAIL pin 36
of the ESC connector) may be connected to any of the four
backward alarm inputs (BA1–IN through BA4–IN pins 32 through
35 of the ESC connector – see page A–7 ). The network operator
must determine where the RX FAIL prompt alarm is connected for
each site. There are four backward alarm outputs that are
connected to an alarm at that site.
Single-destination carriers. These perform the same as the
SMS/IBS backward alarms, but are not generated automatically.
To use the IDR backward alarms, the UMOD provides an open
collector copy of the receive prompt alarm on the alarms
connector, this is then externally connected to the alarm input for
backward alarm channel 1 (shown as the dotted line in figure 3-32
on page 3–54).