1022410 – 0001 Rev. 2
UMOD hardware theory of operation 3–5
The optional internal framing unit (IFU) daughtercard connects
between the terrestrial data interface daughtercard (either a DIM
or a GIM) and the UMOD. In open-network configurations, it
provides single- or dual-bearer D&I multiplexing, and framing and
buffering support for the following Intelsat and Eutelsat services:
Intelsat Intermediate Data Rate (IDR) service
Intelsat Business Service (IBS)
Eutelsat Satellite Multi-Services (SMS)
IDR mode
In IDR mode, the IFU supports 64 kbps rates defined by the
following services:
64-, 192-, and 384-kbps rates. These data rates are passed
transparently without any overhead.
1.544-, 2.048-, 6.312-, and 8.448-Mbps rates. A 96-kbps
overhead is added to the data.
512-kbps through 15536 kbps. For this data rate, the IFU
adds an IBS-style overhead (1/15 or 6.7%). However, there
is no audio ESC, and no facility for the 64-kbps revenue
For IBS–style framing, use 64 kbps times n where n=1, 2, 4,
6, 8, 12, and 16.
In a standard framing operation, transmit data enters the IFU from
the GIM. The IFU adds ESC supervisory information to the data,
synchronously scrambles it, and then outputs the signals to the
UMOD motherboard for further processing.
Except for the 1.544-, 2.048-, 6.312-, and 8.448-Mbps rates, IDR
mode supports D&I operations. FOR ALL D&I OPERATIONS,
IBS MODE MUST BE SELECTED. For a D&I operation, the
T1 or E1 bearer from the DIM or GIM enters the IFU. The IFU
removes (drops) preselected frames (or timeslots) from the bearer,
assembles them in the framer, and (if appropriate) adds ESC
supervisory information. The data is then scrambled—using the
self-synchronizing scrambler specified in IESS-308 and
V.35—and output to the UMOD motherboard for further
IBS only mode
In IBS only mode, the IFU adds a 1/15 (or 6.7%) overhead to the
data. The following services are supported:
48 kbps. Before satellite overhead is added, the IFU
performs an X.50 conversion on the 48-kbps data. The
conversion bit-stuffs the data up to 64-kbps.
56 kbps. The IFU performs an X.50 conversion to bit-stuff
the 56-kbps data to 64-kbps.
Internal framing unit