ViewPoint 8650C
User Guide
C Glossary
Issue 10 (2013-07-20)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
move participant
User can use this function to switch a selected participant from one conference to another. In
this case, the participant exits the current conference and then joins another specified
neighboring gatekeeper
Neighboring gatekeeper is a mechanism by which a gatekeeper optimizes inter-zone
communication. Neighboring gatekeepers are stored in a neighbor table in the gatekeeper
database. A gatekeeper uses this table to resolve destination IP addresses when the source
endpoint is not in the same zone as the destination endpoint.
network address book
It is an address book saved on an MCU. A video terminal can download this address book to a
local system through the File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
packet loss concealment
Packet loss concealment (PLC) is a technique to mask the effects of packet loss in VoIP
communications. The voice signal is sent as packets on a VoIP network; therefore, the voice
signal may travel on different routes to reach the destination. At the receiver, a packet can
arrive very late, be corrupted, or do not arrive. In certain cases, if a packet does not arrive, it
indicates that the packet is rejected by a server which has reached full buffer and cannot
accept any more data. In a VoIP connection, error-control techniques such as ARQ are not
feasible and the receiver must be able to handle packet loss.
ports to reserve
It specifies the number of ports applied when you define a conference. During the conference,
these port resources are reserved.
schedule conference
After a user specifies the start time and duration of a conference, the system schedules the
conference automatically.
During a conference, an MCU automatically adjusts the conference rate and audio-visual
capability based on participant and network conditions.
video firewall mode
This mode is used to implement the traversal between private and public networks. The
network interfaces of an MCU are connected to difference networks so that the terminals on
different networks can join the same conference.
view participant
This function is used to view any participant. On the
View Participant
screen, users can
choose between
View Single
View in Turn