module 1 : normal
Battery temperature off state : Normal Load temperature off state : Normal
DigitalID Name Alarm State|DigitalID Name Alarm State
0 - Normal | 1 Fan Normal
2 - Normal | 3 SPD Normal
4 - Normal | 5 - Normal
6 - Normal
Two door status sensors of the device are in serial connection, and are monitored as one variable.
They are automatically configured by the system. The door alarm is generated because the cabinet
door is open.
15. Save the data.
16. Close all doors of the cabinet. Then, query the alarm information again, and confirm that
there is no alarm for any monitoring parameter.
UA5000 Universal Access Unit
Environment Monitoring
6 EPS30-4815AF Monitoring Solution
Issue 01 (2012-08-17)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.